Bollywood stars Akshay Kumar and Kriti Sanon will start shooting for their upcoming film, Bachchan Pandey, in January next year. Shooting for the Sajid Nadiadwala production will continue till March. One more Actress will be signed soon Directed by Farhad Samji and Produced by Sajid Nadiadwala.
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Remake of the 2014 film Veeram in which a kind-hearted villager takes down the enemies of his fiancee's father, to safeguard their family.
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The entire team will be staying at Suryagarh Hotel together, and some indoor sequences will be shot at the luxurious hotel. There are some elaborate action scenes for which teams from across the country will join the crew.
The filmmaker has also formed a special team, including doctors from Mumbai, to ensure that all Covid safety protocols are enforced on the set.
"The team will undergo an extensive workshop on all SOPs issues
by the government to ensure a 'no-contact set' to be created. The
entire cast and crew will undergo a mandatory Covid test around
December end and the crew will be quarantined for three days before
the shoot. Two doctors will fly with the crew from Mumbai to Jaisalmer
and will be stationed at the shooting location. Special medical rooms
will be set up in Jaisalmer and each and every location will be
sanitised a day prior to the shoot," added the source.
In the film, Akshay's play Gangster and Kriti a